Tuesday, October 9, 2012


This weekend was so much fun, but as far as my diet it was pretty bad, I must admit!  So today I decided to set a mini-goal for myself to encourage me a little more to get back into working out and eating better.  I'm officially back on a mostly vegan diet today, although I did have a turkey sandwich for lunch simply because I didn't have much else.  I'm planning to make a quinoa salad either tonight or tomorrow though, and it makes a lot so I'll have plenty of leftovers for lunches.  It happens to be one of my favorite vegan dishes so far, so I figured it's a good one to make when I'm just getting back into this way of eating.  You can find the recipe here if you're interested.  My mini-goal is to lose 10 lbs. before Thanksgiving.  I'm not going to post my actual weight on here, but I will post each week how many pounds I have lost so far.  If I do reach my goal, I'd like to have some type of reward for myself so right now I'm thinking either a new pair of jeans (I only have one that fits well.) or get my hair cut/colored.  I'll probably go with the new jeans since I can get those cheaper than a hair cut/color.  :)  Wish me luck!

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